Aquaguard Storage Cooler Cum Purifier(AGSCCP)

Unique, not only chills but also purifies.
The Aquaguard Storage Cooler Cum Purifier is one of its kind UV based water cooling and storage solution which deploys cutting edge technology to ensure your drinking not only cool but also 100% safe.

  • Ensures absolutely safe drinking water.
  • Advanced 3-stage with last point purification process.
  • Powerful cooling system & Choice of room temperature.
  • Large cooling storage capacity.
  • Built - in safety feature,internationally acclaimed product quality

Aquaguard 600DF (AG 600DF)

For large industrial establishments.

  • choice of 2,8,& 10 Ltr flow combination
  • Low temperature compensation
  • Ultra compact design conforming IS 14724 quality standards
  • Facility of water control water or no water.
  • Wide operating Voltage.

Aquaguard Cooler Cum Purifier(AGCCP)

It's the only one in India. And It's the only one you need.

  • Technological marvel to ensure cool and safe water
  • 3-stage purification process of Aquaguard.
  • Avoids all contamination with last point purification.
  • Money saving features of both cooler and purifier.
  • Instant online cooling
  • All season cooler with choice of room temperature water.
  • Built-in safety features and stabilizer to ensure long life.

Aquaguard 200 (AG 200)

For small commercial establishments.It can also be installed with a cooler.

  • Retains natural quality of water.
  • Absolutely safe for drinking purposes. Conforms to WHO and IS 14724 guidelines.
  • International water purification technology.
  • Power saving feature for reduced electricity cost.
  • High water volumes leading to lower running cost
  • Avoids all contamination with last point purification.

Aquaguard 2000 LPH UV

Aquaguard 2000 LPH new compact whole water system features high-output,axial flow UV technology arer easy to install and offers the smallest installation footprint in the market. The two high flow 20" filter housing has been incorportated with the top of the line filteration media to ensure quality output of treated water.

  • Compact design - solid steel design
  • High flow poly propylene filters
  • High output UV lamps
  • Axial flow reactors for efficient flow geometry

Aquaguard Reviva RO 25 & 50 LPH Basic

Institutional Reverse Osmosis Water Purificaton Systems
The Aquaguard REVIVA makes the water both chemically ad micro-biologically potable by reducing hardness, TDS,heavy metal contaminants and by removing pathegenic micro organisms there by reviving the original taste of water

  • 6-Stage purification along with Reverse Osmosis Technology
  • Special Membrane Elements produce higher Quantity of Treated water
  • Makes Chemically & Micro-Biologically potable by reducing the hardness of the water.
  • 0.0001 micron pore size RO membrane prevents passage of micro-organisms.
  • 0.0001 micron pore size RO membrane TDS - makes water taste natural and safe.

Aquaguard Reviva RO 25 & 50 LPH Storage

Institutional Reverse Osmosis Water Purification Systems
The Aquaguard REVIVA makes the water both chemically and micro - biologically potable by reducing hardness , TDS , heavy metal contaminants and by removing pathegenic micro organisms there by reviving the original taste of water

  • 6-Stage purification along with Reverse Osmosis Technology.
  • Special Membrane Elements produce higher Quantity of Treated Water
  • Makes Chemicalluy & Micro-Biologically potable by reducing thr hardness of the water
  • 0.0001 micron pore size RO membrane prevents passage of micr-organisms and TDS-makes water taste natural and safe.

Aquaguard Pure Chill RO Storage Cooler cum Purifier

Aquaguard Storage Cooler cum purifier Purechill RO 80PSS.The new unique Aquaguard Pure Chill RO Storage Cooler cum purifier with RO Purification, cooling & storage tank available for the first time in india

  • Ensures absolutely safe drinking water Advances 7 stage purification process
  • (Built with RO as a prime process)
  • Money saving features of purifier , Cooler & storage
  • High Quality SS Tank for storage (80Ltrs) Self cleaning system for efficient operation & long life of membranes.

Industrial & Commercial RO Plant

Introducing ththe Large capacity Aquaguard range of RO plants for commercial & industrial applications. Choose from 100 Lph to 10000 Lph skid/custom designed reverse osmosis plants.

Superior membrane technologu and coupled with ergonomic design and top quality material of construction ar some of the many features that our Aquaguard RO plants assure you of

  • Promise of purity from Aquaguard - Top of the line design & construction.
  • Automatic Micro Processor based RO contact panel with conductivity.
  • Self cleaning system or Anti scaling system
  • Skid mounted design